The company "Communications" is a manufacturer and leading system integrator in the field of industrial communication systems of Russia.
For more than 10 years we have been developing and implementing a full range of end-to-end solutions for the creation of a unified system of operational and technological communication and notification at city-forming enterprises and the major transport hubs of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries
In the development of projects we follow modern quality standards, we apply the most innovative technologies and lean on cutting-edge tendencies of design. The newest and also the equipment of own and European manufacture checked by years allows us to provide our clients optimal technology solutions.

The company has a successful experience of creation of industrial communication systems for enterprises of various profiles. Among our customers there are the largest companies of oil and gas, nuclear, metallurgical, mining, chemical industries, the defensive enterprises and also the airports, railway and marine stations.


Our advantages:


  • Innovations and production
    In projects implementation we are always guided by mentality of the Russian client, the state pricing policy and the features of the market economy. With the help of innovative technologies and our own developments, we solve problems of any complexity, considering branch and individual specifics of customers..
  • Partnership with leading manufacturers
    Strategic partnership with leading European and domestic manufacturers, which are recognized leaders in the segment of industrial communication and safety provides our clients with the widest list of the equipment of appropriate quality and reliability..
  • Customization of the equipment
    Each enterprise has its own specifics and technological features. The technical department of the company is always ready to finalize the standard equipment, both of its own production and of the partner manufacturers according to the individual tasks of the customer and the scale of the object..
  • Own logistics Department
    We are participants of foreign economic activity. We have established schemes of deliveries from any regions of the world by different types of transport in the shortest possible time. Existence of own warehouse allows to make sorting and packaging of goods according to requirements of the Customer. We implement an individual approach to the packaging of equipment: layout and palletizing..
  • Project Department 
    Specialists of the project Department develop solutions in accordance with the individual requirements of the Customer, including non-standard tasks. If necessary, we will provide a time-tested and ready-to-use model project for any industry solution, which will significantly reduce both the temporary and financial expenses of your company..
  • Technical support
    Further technical support of the project and assistance to Customers is carried out by telephone hotline, e-mail, as well as by connecting to a remote service of the enterprise. We also offer you a remote method of communication for receiving online audio and video consultations. If necessary, we carry out departure to the customer’s site.



Foundation of the company and start of activities


Policy of Quality

The policy of the " Communications " company- providing the enterprises with exclusively high-quality, reliable and modern equipment meeting the last requirements of technical progress and safety. Our production considers relevant requirements and realities of the Russian enterprises and transport hubs. All products pass 100% input and output quality control . Regular inspections from representatives of the European partners are carried out. Strictly following the company's policy, we aren't able to afford to use the equipment of doubtful quality. Therefore assembly and adjustment is carried out under the supervision of highly professional experts who regularly study abroad, improve skills in the leading European companies and have all necessary certificates.

The construction and application of an effective quality management system based on the analysis of international experience and taking into account industry specifics allows the company to be aware of recent trends in the improvement of services provided. The quality of our products meets the requirements and expectations of customers and provides improvement of a financial position of the enterprise..



Certificate of compliance with international quality standards ISO 9001-2011

Certificate of compliance with international quality standards ISO 9001-2008

The admission to works on preparation of project documentation affecting the safety of capital construction facilities

Certificate of admission to works, which exert impact on safety of capital construction projects

Certificate of exclusive dealer of Neumann Elektronik GmbH in the Russian Federation and Belarus

 Certificate of completion of training on the equipment Neumann Elektronik GmbH

 Certificate of the official dealer of the Funktel GmbH company

 The letter on transition of business of the Funkwerk Gmbh company under control of FUNKTEL Gmbh

Extract from the register of SRO (self-regulatory organizations) of November 30, 2017

 Certificate of partnership with Funke + Huster Fernsig GmbH in Russia and the CIS


 Certificate of the official dealer of the Vingtor-Stentofon


 Certificate for installation and service of products of the Telegrafia company


Certificate of official dealer of the complex of underground telecommunication and automation "Talnakh" production of JSC IT-Industry


  • Military Industry

    • ENG «Специалисты ООО «Коммуникации» оперативно и с высоким уровнем профессионализма осуществили поставку и монтаж оборудования, а также оказывают необходимую техническую поддержку» 

  • Metallurgy

    • Абдеев И.Ф

      «Специалисты ООО «Коммуникации» оперативно и с высоким уровнем профессионализма осуществили поставку и монтаж оборудования, а также оказывают необходимую техническую поддержку» 


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    • А.П. Цыганков, В.С. Петросов
      ЗАО «Серебро Магадана»

      «Хочется отметить, что за период эксплуатации системы не было ни одного сбоя в работе оборудования. Система проста и удобна в эксплуатации. Высокая разборчивость речи в условиях производственных шумов (промплощадок ММС-1, ММС-2), наглядная индикация и самодиагностика всех оконечных устройств, а также стабильная работа оборудования в условиях сильной запыленности. Влажности и высоких перепадов температур – позволило реализовать все требования к оперативно-технологической связи »


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    • Царев М.В.
      ОАО «Алкоа Металург Рус»

      «В эксплуатации система показала свою надежность, удобство пользования и хорошую разборчивость речевых сообщений условиях повышенного шума. При возникновении вопросов по эксплуатации системы, специалисты ООО «Коммуникации» быстро оказывают требуемую поддержку»



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  • Mining Industry

    • Глушков Н.И.
      ООО «Золоторудная компания Майское»

      «В период выполнения работ по монтажу и пуско-наладке системы подземной радиосвязи «Талнах» на руднике «Майское» компания «Коммуникации» зарекомендовала себя, как надежного системного интегратора с высоким уровнем профессионализма своих сотрудников. Ввод системы в эксплуатацию был осуществлен в полном соответствии с техническим заданием. Внедрение системы подземной радиосвязи способствует повышению уровня техники безопасности в руднике и позволит оптимизировать производственный процесс проходки и добычи руды…»


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    • Плешивцев А.А.
      ЗАО «Серебро Магадана»

      «Все работы были произведены с высоким уровнем профессионализма и в установленный срок. Ввод системы в эксплуатацию осуществлен согласно проектной документации, разработанной ООО «Коммуникации», в полном соответствии с техническим заданием.
      В заключение, позвольте поблагодарить Вас за проделанную работу и выразить надежду на дальнейшее плодотворное сотрудничество между нашими предприятиями»


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  • Oil and Gas

  • Energy

  • Transport

  • Chemical

    • Гусев А.В.
      ОАО «Воронежсинтезкаучук»

      ОАО «Воронежсинтезкаучук» сотрудничает с ООО «Коммуникации» с 2005 года. За это время обеспечения оперативной внутрипроизводственной телефонной связью компанией ООО «Коммуникации» были поставлены телефонные аппараты Eex ResitTel производства Германии во взрывозащищенном исполнении…»


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    • Титов В.Н.
      ОАО «ПОЛИЭФ»

      «ОАО «ПОЛИЭФ» может характеризовать компанию «Коммуникации» как добросовестную и профессиональную и рекомендовать ее другим предприятиям как системного интегратора в области оснащения системами связи…»


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    • Дегтярев Ю.Д.

      «За время сотрудничества с ООО «Коммуникации», компания зарекомендовала себя, как надежного системного интегратора в области систем связи. Ввод в эксплуатацию был осуществлен в полном соответствии с техническим заданием и в установленные сроки. Внедрение системы способствовало повышению уровня техники безопасности на технологических участках с высоким уровнем шума…»


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  • Seminars

Our Partners




(Germany) The developer and the vendor of the DS-6 - decentralized communication system and its terminal equipment, built on the basis of the latest IP solutions. This company has been the market of communication systems is already more than 100 years.

Since 2017, the official exclusive distributor of Neumann Elektronik GmbH in Russia and Belarus - LLC "Communications".

Funkwerk/Funktel Gmbh



The German vendor of the professional equipment for communication systems of DECT and TETRA standards for industrial enterprises. The equipment meets world standards and has the function of "Personal Security System", which is a unique development of the company.

In 2016, the company Funkwerk came under the control of FUNKTEL Gmbh 

Funke+Huster Fernsig GmbH



The leading German manufacturer of optical and acoustic equipment: signal devices, loudspeakers, industrial phones. The equipment of the company is provided in different execution and has a high reliability.







A global manufacturer of industrial acoustic systems and loudspeakers. It differs not only in high-quality products, but also in flexibility in customizing equipment to customer requirements. Independently produces all components of loudspeakers, including non-standard solutions for customer requirements.






The Slovak vendor of electronic sirens and the systems of early annunciator about emergency situations. The team of professionals constantly works on expansion of a product portfolio of the company. Thanks to this, the decisions in the field of radio systems and warning systems take the leading positions in the market for many years.




Leading expert in the lighting industry. The technology of development and production allows creating long-lasting, energy efficient and easy-to-maintain fixtures. Modern IValo production technologies allow to provide



(South Korea)


The company has gained fame in the world market as a manufacturer of equipment for sound warning systems and professional sound systems. To date, Inter-M owns 21 patents for inventions, as well as 12 patents for industrial designs of manufactured products.




Developer and manufacturer of special hardware and software systems at the junction of technologies such as radio, wired and wireless data networks, video surveillance, telemechanics and others. The manufacturer of the Talnakh complex.




The Avaya company is one of the leading solution providers in the field of business communications. Development of Avaya technologies allows the company to meet always the requirements of modern communication systems and to offer unique solutions that suit every client's needs. More than 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Avaya technologies and solutions.




APC solutions have been the industry standard for nearly four decades in the field of high-reliable infrastructure of power supply and engineering infrastructure of IT systems. The company's products have gained worldwide popularity, and APC is a leading provider of systems for and APC is the leading provider of systems for IT departments of various sizes and distributes its products through a huge network of trading partners.





The American multinational company developing and selling the network equipment intended generally for the large organizations and the telecommunication enterprises. One of the world's largest companies specializing in area of high technologies.




OCS works at the Russian IT market more than 20 years. The company develops the directions of volume and project distribution, increases the technological base, develops programs of support of partners and adapts them to changeable realities and requests of the market. The regional network of offices OCS in its breadth has no analogues and includes 26 cities of Russia.




Ascom is the leading international supplier of end-to-end solutions for wireless communications, mobile network testing and security systems. The company has offices in 20 countries worldwide with its head office in Switzerland.




The company "Eltek" — 100% subsidiary Eltek Energy AS (Norway). Eltek - one of leaders in the world market of the equipment of uninterrupted power supply for telecommunication branch. The company has representations in 39 countries.





The company LUIS+ well-known on the Russian market of security systems since 1995. Now it has become one of the leading distributors of high-quality equipment for security and fire alarm systems, video surveillance, access control and perimeter protection, integrated security systems and components for structured cabling systems.




The Rittal Company – the international leader in production of systems of the distributive casing, distribution of energy, components of monitoring of a microclimate, IT solutions and also a software and service. The company was founded in 1961 and today has 11 production sites around the world.




The KABELWERK EUPEN AG company – one of leaders among vendors of cable production who saved production capacities in Europe. Concentration of all company resources within a single site provides flexibility at all stages.




WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & co. KG is a German company that produces components for electrical connection, technologies and electronic components for the decentralized technology of automation. The company WAGO was founded on April 27, 1951.





Italian group FIAMM S. p.A. – this is one of the world's largest manufacturers of batteries, which has been on the market for over 70 years. Founded in 1942, the company today includes several of the world's leading production brands and has more than 10 factories around the world.




Moxa, Inc. - a leading manufacturer of solutions for industrial Ethernet networks, computerization and automation, founded since 1987. By means of the equipment Moxa more than 30 million devices worldwide in a broad range of branches are connected: industrial automation, railroads, intellectual power supply systems, intellectual transport systems and many other things.


Today «Communications» — is a successful, actively developing company on the market, which provides to each employee comfortable conditions for implementation of ambitions and creative potential. Our specialists permanently improve skills abroad in the leading European companies, and managers always support the initiatives directed to enhancement of production and management activity.

Choosing a career in the "Communications", you will get a unique opportunity to join the team of true professionals. Numerous opportunities for training and development will help you to acquire necessary abilities and skills to enhance skill levels and create a successful career.


Company's vacancies


  • Vladislav Kuliashov

    CEO of Communications Ltd.

    1995 Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts
    1995-1998 After graduation, lived in Germany.
    1998-2001 OOO (Limited Liability Company) PKF "Vector Plus." Career path from the sales manager to the head of the sales department.
    2001-2004 Founder and CEO of OOO (LLC) “Veltkom”. The enterprise which was engaged in export of non-ferrous metals
    2003-2005 Head of logistics department of the “Arman” company.
    Since 2004 One of the founders and CEO of “Communications”.